Monday 24 December 2012

Christmas: The Gift of Grace

What do you think of as you look forward to Christmas Day tomorrow? Family? Friends? Food? Gifts? I think of all of those things, but am really praying that this Christmas I focus in particular on the one gift that has made the biggest difference to my life – that of God’s grace. For me, Christmas is not just about a baby in a manger and a nice Nativity story, but it is the proclamation of God becoming flesh – about Jesus living, dying and then rising again. For me, Christmas and Easter are inextricably bound to each other. Justice demands punishment and penalty for my wrongdoing, my sin; grace is God taking that punishment and paying that penalty on my behalf. The tiny baby in a manger that I celebrate at Christmas is also the risen Lord and Saviour that I celebrate at Easter. In the midst of all the joy, family, friends, gifts and food of the season, I hope and pray that you also experience the reality of God’s gift of grace. Merry Christmas!

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16, NIV)

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